This plan is a general overview of Fiskerton airfield. All airfield plans are in two parts.
The main airfield is site 1 which shows runways, the perimeter track -which has the dispersal pans for the aircraft around it
and the technical site plus the hangers-usually three, which were used for major repairs to aircraft
including engine change-outs.
Minor work and damage repairs to aircraft were mostly performed at the dispersal points.
The second airfield plan is site 2. This has the dispersed sites such as the accommodation sites, sick bay plus others.
On the two plans, all the buildings are numbered and a key lists what they were.
These plans are the original drawings to which the airfields were built to.
Some airfield plans are still available from Redlion posters and can be purchased if available.
Fiskerton was built to a standard "A" class design. this being the pattern of the three disecting runways.
These runways were numbered at each end with the compass headings so pilots knew which runway to approach
to land on when returning from a flight.
The perimeter track linked the runway ends and aircraft on operations would taxi around in a line to the relevant runway
and take off when when given the order to depart.
The accommodation sites housed a total of 2,300 persons and each site was numbered.
One other site on all wartime airfields was the bomb stores.
This was some distance from the airfield and accommodation sites as aircraft trying to land in fog, could and did
crash on the bomb stores.
Much of the airfield has gone now. Some of the runways and the perimeter track are still present as are some of the dispersals.
An outline and location of the airfield can be seen on O.S map number 121 and the airfield lies between the villages of
Reepham and Fiskerton.